
High-Precision Sporting weapons with ultimate perfection!

For three generations Feinwerkbau manufactures high-precision sporting weapons for shooters
from all over the world.
The employment of most modern technology as well as of experienced members of staff has
a share in a consistent high quality of all our products “Made in Germany”.

FEINWERKBAU - Precision for your success!

SKU: FWB1830.214.1
SKU: FWB3.4.460.161
SKU: FWB1878.160.1
Preßluftbehälter für Feinwerkbau Luftgewehre
SKU: FWB3.2.020.201
SKU: 1750.243.1-I1
SKU: FWB4.9.0010
Füllstutzen, komplett für Feinwerkbau
SKU: FWB1877.001.2
compressed air cylinder for Feinwerkbau air pistol silver long - IV/24
SKU: 3.4.350.215-IV24
Klarsichtringkorn passend für Modell 300,600, 601, P75
SKU: FWB1500.8xx.x
Feinwerkbau Simulator Set
SKU: DI10019