
High-Precision Sporting weapons with ultimate perfection!

For three generations Feinwerkbau manufactures high-precision sporting weapons for shooters
from all over the world.
The employment of most modern technology as well as of experienced members of staff has
a share in a consistent high quality of all our products “Made in Germany”.

FEINWERKBAU - Precision for your success!

Schaftkappe für Feinwerkbau Luftgewehre
SKU: FWB3.2.220.588
SKU: FWB3.2.226.743
for FEINWERKBAU air pistol P 8X, P11, P44, P58, P40, P30
SKU: FWB3.4.350.550
Blockkorn für Feinwerkbau Luftpistole Modell P8X
SKU: FWB3.4.400.963
Blockkorn für Feinwerkbau Luftpistole Modell P8X
SKU: FWB3.4.400.933
made of plastic
SKU: FWB4.9.0312
Seal kits for Model series 600 (with piston)
SKU: FWB4.5.005-A3
Seal kits for Model series 601 (with piston)
SKU: FWB4.5.004-B3
Seal kits for Model series P70
SKU: FWB4.5.009-C2
Seal kits for Model series 100 / 102 / 103
SKU: FWB4.5.013-S1