Glasses accessories

Augenrand für Gewehr und Pistole

SKU: CH25001

Filter Clip in verschiedenen Größen

SKU: CH25005-1

Filter Clip in verschiedenen Größen

SKU: CH25004-1

Gehmann stick-on adjustable iris

SKU: GE393

for shooting glasses Varga 2000

SKU: GE325
For right hand and left hand shooters
SKU: JN9084K000
Jäggi Nova  LENS FRAME for rifle
SKU: JN90140000
one glass holder and 3 holding units.
SKU: MEC5011352-23
Allows fast interchanging of magnetic filters.
SKU: MEC5010133-23

Cover for the non-targeted eye

30 mm wide - now also for gun men and pistolshooters!

SKU: TC0392